Maui Tree Lighting Ceremony
I feel like the free advertiser, but I can’t help it. I love sharing with you as much as I can about what to do on Maui and free is what I look for. This December on the 4-5th we have a tree lighting ceremony at the Banyon Tree in Lahaina. If you have not seen this beautiful tree that brings the Tom Sawyer imagination alive in every age, then you’ve got to take the time to see it, walk under the tree that consumes one city block. The only place I can think of that has such a tree would be the Amazon Jungle! During the tree lighting ceremony there will be food booths, crafts and displays. Come and see this tree light up the night to kick off you Christmas season. Contact 808.667.9175 or email at if you have any questions. Call the Lahaina Event Hotline at 1-888-310-1117 (toll-free) or 667-9194 Labels: Christmas in Maui
Areln Ness in Maui
 Do you ride a motorcycle? If you do, this event is for you. South Maui Choppers is hosting their annual Treasure/ Scavenger Hunt Ride on Maui Nov 7 lead by Arlen Ness. This ride will start at the shop, 330 Ohukai rd Kihei Maui Hawaii at 9am, and where it ends is up to you and your team to figure out! Clues will be handed to each team at each location you get correct. At the end where the party is there will be a luau waiting with fire dancers, hula dancers, several bands, music, and an awesome sunset view. Tickets are $40 pre sale $50 day of event. Proceeds are to buy needed supplies for the children in the Marshall Islands starting with Truk (pronounced chook). The chiefs of these Islands are currently putting together lists of much needed supplies now, such as clothing, over the counter medical supplies, sun glasses, slippers, rice or what ever it may be. With this ride, everyone wins! So, come to Maui and have an experience you won’t soon forget. 808-875-9933 Labels: Motorcycle Scavenger hunt in Maui
Golf Maui Any time
 I personally took golf lessons when I lived in Palm Springs. My instructor, who was as kind and professional as he could be, with all the politeness and grace he could muster through his tears of laughter, told me I should never leave the driving range, and even then come late so no one could see how much grass was flying! I took his advice. So resigning myself to the driving range I’ve found it does wonders to work off pinned up aggression!! Know what I mean? Maui has so many courses to choose from that there is almost always going to be a T-time available somewhere. Personally, I like to drive the cart and whack the ball (polo style) but I guess that’s not looked well upon! Opps! Hehehe. Labels: Tee time in Maui
Triple Crown Surfing MAui
 I know some of you enjoy the physical challenge of surfing. I can’t balance on a moving board very long so I spend more time in the water trying to get back on the board knowing that the ones out there with their honed skills are laughing quietly to themselves! But for you with grace and balance here are a few up coming events that might cause you to make your reservations now! Event Dates For 2010 Vans Triple Crown Of Surfing This years 2010 Vans Triple Crown of Surfing event dates are as follows:Reef Hawaiian Pro / TBD / Nov. 12 - 23O'Neill World Cup / Gidget Pro / Nov. 24 - Dec. 6Billabong Pipe Masters / Billabong Pro Maui / Dec. 8 – 20 Labels: Billabong Pro Maui
Christmas in Maui
 Christmas is quickly approaching! Are you going to spend another holiday shoveling snow, spending days cooking for guest who make a mess then expect you to clean it up, paying hundreds of dollars on gifts for ungrateful friends and relatives? If you fit one of these categories then you’re due for a change. Treat yourself to an Island get away to Maui. Imagine lying on the beach, soaking up the warm sun while everyone back home is shoveling! You work hard all the time, so why not spice up your life with those wonderful experiences you think about. Stop dreaming and make it happen! Call us at AA Oceanfront today so we can get your beach front condo ready for you! Christmas morning wake up, put on your swim suit and go out your door to the white sand beach! A hui hoe! (Until we meet again!) Labels: Christmas in Maui
Children Hula in Maui
 The cutest to watch are the little children dancing hula! At this event you can learn a move or two for yourself to take home and wow your friends with the culture you picked up on vacation! This November 12-14 at the Kaanapali Beach Hotel (808) 661-0011 or (800) 262-8450 This children's solo hula competition celebrates it's 20th year in November. The weekend competition includes arts and crafts, cultural displays, hula workshops, and beautiful Hawaiian entertainment, while celebrating and featuring our island keiki (children) as they humbly perpetuate the Hawaiian culture. So do something out of the norm and get your Hawaiiana on! Labels: Children Hula in Maui
Maui's Golf Classis
October 23rd is our 25th annual Maui Charity Celebrity Gold Classic. So if your one who loves the greens, then bring your clubs and join this event or call ahead and reserve a set. You never know who might be there!!! Kaanapali Kai Golf Course and Kapalua Bay Golf Course (864) 363-6340 A Charity Celebrity Golf event with celebrity dinner, charity auction, wine education and culinary experience, and the golf classic. Beneficiaries include Maui Culinary Academy, and Susan G. Komen For The Cure. How far can you hit it? Labels: Maui's Golf Classic