Weather in Maui
 You have probably heard we had a lot of rain causing flooding, but it only lasted for a couple days. The county workers put in long hours to clean it up! There are signs of what happened, but Maui recovers quickly. One day the rain poured as if we’re in Seattle, the next day the sun is shining, birds singing, and we’re watching the now clean palm trees sway in the breeze. I love the rain in Kihei because it’s cleansing and renewing. The mountains are the most vibrant greens contrasted off the beautiful hues of the blue ocean! This is the time to be here with your camera. The Humpback Whales are leaping for joy between the contrasts of color, the air is sweet and fresh to breath, the sun is warm and inviting. Beautiful white sand beaches are beckoning sun bathers. AA Ocean front Condo Rentals & Sales is filling up quickly as people are seeing what a paradise Maui is. So break away from the snow and work routine. Come to Maui and be renewed. Labels: Beaches, paradise., Sunshine
Rainbows & whales in Maui
 If you aren’t here in Maui having Christmas and New Years on the beach, hanging stockings from a coconut tree, than we feel for you! Maui has had some rain, but without rain we have no rainbows! The mountains and valleys are a beautiful green contrast to the blue ocean. Whales are coming in close to shore and if you snorkel you’ll hear them singing! This is my favorite time of year in Maui. Everything is clean and alive! The air is fresh and sweet and people are filled with aloha. Our condos are filling up quickly so don’t hesitate to make your reservations today! Perhaps it could be your footprints in the sand! Labels: Holidays in Maui
  This time of year Maui has the most incredible sunsets. Imagine yourself sitting in these chairs,calm flat cool ocean licking at your feet with a warm tropical breeze gently tickling the palm tree branches while everyone else is shoveling snow this winter! Check out what’s is available in condo living at where your home away from home awaits you.
Kite surfing in Maui
 Wow, the wind was up today. Not a day for a dress. But it is a wonderful day to be out kite surfing or sailing on the ocean . That’s one of the fun things about Maui, no matter the weather, there is always something fun to do. Just look out and see, should I go driving, diving or sail today? Kihei and Lahaina have the most to offer, depending on your style, we have it. You know, some days I just want a slow time warp where there is hardly any traffic or noise. We have that too! I love going to Jaws! In the winter the waves get to be over 50 feet high and helicopters drop surfers on top of them to ride the waves to the shore line where the cliffs are lined with people like me in awe of the raw power of the ocean and mans drive to conquer it. The view is Breath taking! But I will talk more on this when the waves are HUGE!!! Here is a link to see Jaws near Hookipa: Labels: Maui Condo rentals and sales
Scuba dive Maui
 Are you interested in Scuba Diving? Maui has some awesome sites to experience even if you’ve never done it before. I for one am a lazy diver. That means boat diving for me. Shore diving is beautiful but on a boat there is someone to help me into the vessel, change my gear for me, help me get into my gear again for the next dive and then they do all the cleaning afterwards! How much better can it get? My experience with many shore dives, is, fight through the surf carrying about 75 lbs of gear, walk though waves, fight to get my fins on, long surface swims, then coming back is the worst! I always seam to get knocked down and pummeled in the sand somewhere along the exit route. Then I have to haul my tired carcass through the surf, drag myself up the shore, then stagger to the shower where I am grateful to be relieved of my 75lb burden. Then comes the break down and cleaning. Ugh! So, if offered a choice it’s a no brainer to me, boat every time! Maui has many to choose from and I have tried most. B&B Scuba is my favorite. They are personal and make everyone feel like your part of their Ohana (family) before the trip is done. The journey starts early and after 2 dives the trip is usually finished by 10am leaving the rest of the day for more fun activities to be enjoyed. Lets get wet! Check these guys out: http://www.bbscuba.comb/ Be sure to make your condo reservation now so you can dive with the whales!!! Labels: condo rental, Scuda Dive Maui/ Dive with Whales
motorcycle ride in Maui
 Today I got together with a few friends to cruise around the island of Maui on our motorcycles. We start in Kihei and go to Lahaina or Wailuku, or upcountry if it’s a hot day. The experience is awesome. Even though I do it a lot I never get tired of it. There are so many flowers, trees in bloom, the ocean, the country, towns, that a huge part of the experience is breathing deep and enjoying not only the exquisite views but the smells, the temperature changes on your bare arms and more. If you ride a motorcycle, or even a convertible, you HAVE to breath deep! So many people forget to enjoy life with all their senses. There is so mush more then just site. So, come on… get on over here to Maui and feel what I am talking about. Leave your problems for awhile and try something different. If you’d like rent a bike while here check out and see what they can do for you. Make your reservations at today for you condo in Maui! Labels: Chopper/ Harley rentals in Maui
Sunrise Haleakala Maui
  Do you like to hike? Here is your chance to hike the crater for fee! Drive up to the 10,000 foot high summit just before sunrise where there is plenty of parking. Enjoy the breath taking experience of seeing the sun rise as if it coming from inside the crater itself. You will see how it got its name, Haleakala, which mean, “house of the rising sun”. Bring sturdy shoes and abundant amounts of water because your about to enter another world. The crater is the closest thing to being on the moon we will ever get to be! Provided for us are trails down into the dormant volcano where life becomes a prehistoric place with plants growing no where else in the world. You will most likely see the endangered Nene Geese, the giant Silver Sword, and too much more to mention. Just come and see for yourself! This link will take you to more details about Haleakala Book your condo at and come hike a new experience! Labels: Hike at Sunrise Haleakala Maui